In an endeavour to provide comprehensive care, American Wellness Center, in Dubai Healthcare City, proudly offers a diverse array of services encompassing medical health, mental health, and homecare services. Our commitment to holistic well-being and our patient-first approach are key to success in providing the best care.

Mental health is a cornerstone of our services, and AWC is well renowned for its commitment to psychological well-being in Dubai, the Gulf region, and beyond. With the help of a team of senior psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, we provide compassionate and effective mental health support to communities in Dubai and across the UAE and Gulf region. Our confidential environment ensures that individuals and families facing mental health challenges can seek solace and guidance without fear of judgment. We recognise that mental health is an integral part of overall well-being, and we are here to help you navigate the journey to emotional and psychological wellbeing.

In the realm of medical health, we offer a wide spectrum of specialised services delivered by expert clinicians who are leaders in their respective fields. Whether you seek cardiology expertise, paediatric care, neurological support, chronic health solutions, or orthopaedic treatments, our dedicated medical team in Dubai is equipped to address your physical and medical health needs. We are driven by the belief that exceptional healthcare should be accessible to all, and our Western-trained professionals practice evidence-based medicine.

Our home care medical services encompass a range of healthcare services and support that are delivered in the comfort and convenience of a patient's home. These services are designed to meet the healthcare needs of individuals who may be recovering from an illness or surgery, managing chronic conditions, or seeking assistance with activities of daily living. We trust that home care medical services play a vital role in improving the overall quality of life for patients and allowing them to maintain their independence while receiving the care they require. AWC is unique in delivering home care services to the highest standards, and treatment is carried out under the guidance of experienced consultants in the field.